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All Star Cheerleading
All Star Cheer - Competitive Cheerleading
What is All Star Cheer?
All Star Cheer is a high energy, team-based, performance sport that is athletic, artistic and acrobatic. It involves athletes competing with a 2 and a 1/2 minute routine composed of tumbling, stunting, pyramids, dance and cheer segments.
While some skills are individually developed, such as tumbling or dancing, partner stunts, pyramids and tosses require a great deal of teamwork and routines require synchronization and team uniformity.
All Star Cheer differs from traditional school cheer teams in that its primary purpose is competition, while school cheer involves crowd leading and other school roles, as well as the option for competition. All Star cheer teams are most often organized and based out of a club and have teams that are open to all area cheer athletes.
Teams are formed based on tiers for every ability level, from Novice to Elite. All Star rules are leveled based on progressions of skills commonly performed in cheer and are developmentally appropriate for the age of the competitor. Teams range from Level 1 to Level 7.
In the United States most All Star clubs, teams and competitions are under the umbrella of the U.S. All Star Federation or the Open Championship Series. Our Staff is all certified through the USASF Creditinling. We compete at all OPEN Championship Series Event and attend All-Star Worlds in Orlando, Florida!